Perfection Valet has been responsible for looking after the world's finest automobiles for over 30 years.
During this time, Richard Tipper has built up an unrivalled portfolio of some of the most significant cars on the planet and it's been said that he has worked on more cars in his career than anyone else in the detailing industry.

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@perfectionvalet"We always rely on Richard to really bring a car alive. He can revive paintwork and his attention to detail is always excellent. We'd recommend him to anyone and is the only person we trust with our high value inventory."
Gregor Fisken
Fiskens Fine Historic Automobiles, London.
"The result was an absurdly clean Porsche. In bright sunshine it looks wet, the inky black paint displaying a positively satanic shine."
Richard Meaden
964 RS, evo magazine issue 100.